Tuesday, June 28, 2005

BubbleWrap's Ft. Bragg Festival of Excuses

BubbleWrap Bush dropped in to Fort Bragg and surrounded himself with soldiers in order to speak to try to continue the con he's foisted on to the American people. In an attempt to stop the slide occurring in numerous polls, he mentioned 9-11 six times.

The main reason he committed American boys and girls to die in the Iraqi dessert, Weapons of Mass Destruction was not mentioned a single time. I'm sure that will come as an incredible surprise to the parents and widows of the 1750 dead American soldiers because of Saddam's eminent threat to America.

Over 60% of Americans have figured out that the joke has been on us and the troops. But, BubbleWrap is still trying find an excuse for war that will stick.

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At 7:08 AM, Blogger Stash said...

10 minutes after BubbleWrap's spew, Chris Matthews said, "6". However, I've heard 5 referenced ever since.

We at The Whirlpool do not have the stomach to watch it again so, we'll going with "6" and assume that everyone but Matthews got up to pee.

At 9:46 AM, Blogger Stash said...

The official BubbleWrap story now references 5 'direct' references and several 'indirect' references.

This was McClellan trying justify any inclusion of 9-11 in the speech (while desperately panning the crowd for Jeff Gannon).


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