Tuesday, June 07, 2005

What in the Hell is Biden thinking?

The Democrats finally have someone with some balls that will talk straight with and about Republicans and this "Shit-for-Brains" Joe Biden, who sold out the working folks of America with his stupid goddam vote on the bankruptcy bill talks trash about him.

Wake up, Joe! The Republicans are killing you. They've kicked your ass every time you've turned around. You're such a goddam wienie that now you're celebrating if they only give you a noogie! "At least they didn't give me another wedgie!"

What a gutless piece of ass wipe.

Come on, Joe! Dean the Scream didn't say that "no Republicans have ever held a job". He said, "Lots of them have never had to hold a job." Isn't that true? Which side has the higher percentage of inherited wealth? I wonder. When is the blogasphere going to give us the dope?

Biden's backstabbing of Dean, along with John Edwards, who at least had the balls to correct himself and defend Howard, isn't helping the situation. There are lots of ways that the big guns in the Democratic party could have sucked up to their money-bag contributors without trying to hang Howard out to dry.

In case no one has noticed, the Democrats are in the minority. They should be the Loyal Opposition. Listen to Hillary, for god's sake! "I mean, c'mon, toughen up, guys, it's only our Constitution and country at stake," she said. "Let's get some spine." You need to be pointing out all the bad things about the Bush Regime's programs ... all the time!


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At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I disagree. The Dems need to present a consistant package of ideas to America at large. Give the GOP their due: They stick to few issues and frame the debate using carefully crafted language (albeit Orewellian, for sure). The Doctor has a bad habit of shooting his mouth off and making himself the issue. He spits out the bullets that the Right loads up and shoots back at us.

Hey, I love to hear Dean go off, but I'm already in the choir. We need to recruit those who are not politically active. The Republican's approval ratings are falling across the board. Now's the time to rake in a few Indie voters.

At 11:19 AM, Blogger Stash said...

I'm glad you're "bleedin-blue", but I'm sorry you disagree. That just means you're wrong!

The GOP took one line out of a long speech and took it out of context and misquoted it. The Demo leadership should not give credence to the Neanderthals by using their words.

He said, "lots of them", not "all of them".

They should stand behind him and support him. You are correct about one thing, though: The GOP deserves their due in that they have stolen and won the framing war. The chief piece of evidence of course is this issue itself in which he is again accused of "shooting his mouth off" when he said nothing inappropriate at all. The mistatements that the Repugs are using are inappropriate, but Dean didn't say them.


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