Thursday, January 19, 2006

Wanted: 40 Democrat Senators with guts!

Several spineless Democrat Senators are questioning whether or not Alito represents the "extraordinary circumstance" necessary for a successful filibuster. What?!??!

Wouldn't "not giving any answers to the Judiciary Committee" qualify as an "extraordinary circumstance"?

Doesn't "making statements in the past that are contrary to everything America holds dear" qualify as an "extraordinary circumstance"?

How about "agreeing that Checks and Balances on an Executive Branch are unnecessary"? Does that qualify as an "extraordinary circumstance"?

What is it going to take to get the "loyal opposition" to start acting like a "loyal opposition"? If they don't stand up against this disgraceful nominee now, the Democrat Senate has become unnessary and useless.

Democrats undecided on Alito filibuster - Americas - International Herald Tribune

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