Shouldn't the Clemens investigation be "off the table"?

Cross posted in Daily Kos
All of this crap about whether or not Roger Clemens got shot in the ass with HDH or Steroids pales in the face of serious national issues. Yet Congress finds the time to hold investigations on this meaningless bullshit.
Congress can find the time... bring every other thing to a standstill, evidently, to hold hearings on this, but investigating the lies, and illegal actions of the Bush Administration is "off the table".
All of this crap about whether or not Roger Clemens got shot in the ass with HDH or Steroids pales in the face of serious national issues. Yet Congress finds the time to hold investigations on this meaningless bullshit.
Congress can find the time... bring every other thing to a standstill, evidently, to hold hearings on this, but investigating the lies, and illegal actions of the Bush Administration is "off the table".
Nancy Pelosi has said that impeachment is "off the table". Why are we then spending the precious time of our Congress investigating a fat assed pitcher's drug habits?
What is more important to the future of this country, knowing whether or not which player or players are artificial or natural behemoths or holding our elected officials to the standards set in our Constitution?
Hey, I'm just sayin'.
Labels: Clemens, Congress, Daily Kos, Impeach, Waxman

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