RNC / Palin Clothing Purchase
Here's my take:I think it's a hoot that we get to riddle the Republicans with the hypocrit meme after the Wrong Wing's attacks on John Edward's $400 haircut. I hope it sticks around and sickens what few Republicans with a conscience haven't made up their minds to jump this sinking ship.
But, personally, I don't have a problem with it. I'm a partisan... no question.
Here's the scenario - My nominee calls. He/she is just as big a flake as Palin's and everyone knows it is going to go down in flames. The nominee says, "Will you jump on board for the duration and help me ride this out? Maybe you and I can save a few Senate or House seats. OK?".
Knowing I'm not qualified to be President... knowing I'm up for some tough times with the criticism and the never-to-end distinction of being linked to this loser... I might pause and say, "Well, let's talk."
In that discussion, we're going to have to figure out what I'm going to get out of it besides the honor of forever being the answer to a trivia question.
I probably wouldn't ask for clothing... that's not true... I'd get a few nice suits out of the deal... but some really cool tools would be nice... maybe a High Def big screen...
So, Sarah took the RNC for 150K of clothes minus what is donated to charity (anyone notice the distinctive clarification: "the clothing purchased for the convention will be donated....". I wonder if that means all of it or just the 3 outfits she wore at the convention).
Good on her. For falling on her sword for the RNC, I'd say she deserves it.
Labels: Election 2008, hypocrites, Republicans, Sarah Palin

A follow-up from The Washington Monthly:
THE OTHER WARDROBE MYSTERY.... In all sincerity, I had no intention of returning to the subject of Sarah Palin's $150,000 campaign wardrobe, but there's been one unexpected twist.
Up until now, the question has been, "Why did the RNC spend so much money on clothing and accessories?" This afternoon, a report from the New York Times generated a new question: "Why don't the numbers add up?"
Some of the fashion experts consulted Wednesday, for instance, about the $150,000 in purchases that appeared on Federal Election Commission records were puzzled by where all of that money had gone, given what they had seen of Ms. Palin's wardrobe.
Consider also the $4,902.45 charge at Atelier New York, a high-end men's store, presumably for Ms. Palin's husband, Todd, the famous First Dude.
Karlo Steel, an owner there, said he had gone through the store's receipts for September, twice, and found no sales that matched that amount, nor any combination of sales that added up to the total. Because the store carries aggressively directional men's wear, he caters to a small clientele and knows most of his customers by name, as well as the history of their purchases.... "We have no recollection of that sale and no idea what they are talking about," Mr. Steel said.
Similarly, the RNC records show a charge of $98 at a high-end children's boutique in Minneapolis, but after going through their receipts, the store owners found no record of the sale.
And here I thought the story was odd enough before.
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