Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Senate Republicans afraid of balance on Armed Services Radio

On a straight party line vote (54 - 44) the Republicans in the Senate pushed back an amendment by Senator Tom Harkin that would have required Armed Forces Radio Network to present political programming in a balanced fashion.

Currently there are ZERO minutes of liberal or progressive programming. Ed Shultz was supposed to be added to the mix but was nixed at the last minute.

Randi Rhodes is a veteran and great radio personality and kicks Limbaugh's ass wherever they are head to head. She is not offered to our service men and women, but that drug addicted, draft (I've got a pimple on my ass!) dodging Limbaugh is.

Limbaugh is running mouth about the liberals "trying to get my program off the air".

He is a drug addicted, draft (I've got a pimple on my ass!) dogding, liar! Senator Harkin doesn't want Limbaugh off the air, but to put a progressive voice on also.

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At 4:29 PM, Blogger Stash said...

Are you suggesting that Randi doesn't beat the crap out of your drug addicted hero in every market? If so, you're wrong. She does.

Now, you may not like her, and that's fine. But, her ratings are better than Rush's.

The point of the article was offering alternative views. If your's or mine were the only view, we'd all be in trouble, huh?


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