Sunday, December 04, 2005

A Strategury for Victoriousness in Iraq

Dubya gave another typical speech to our Military. The poor recipients of the dubious honor this time where the Midshipmen of the United States Naval Academy on December 3rd. His White House handlers won't put him in front of any audience not threatened with
Leavenworth for being disagreeable.

While we feel for the young men and women of the Navy that were forced to endure this propoganda puff piece, we recognize that they took an oath to serve and part of that service is to
be the audience for their Commander-in-Chief once in a while.

We don't even mind that the speech writers built in 21 Applause Signals. Let's face it. Following orders is the basic job requirement of our military personnel.

What does bother us in The Whirlpool, however, is this comment read in a report from Iraq:

In a news briefing from Iraq on Friday, Lt. Gen. Martin Dempsey, the top American military official in charge of training Iraqi troops, surprised some reporters by saying he first saw "Our Strategy for Victory in Iraq" when it was released to the public on Wednesday.

Now, we know that there are some critics that think the entire Whirlpool was smacked with a Stupid Stick. But, it doesn't seem like too much of a stretch to think that a "Strategy for Victory in Iraq" would have been developed with the involvement and consultation of the person in charge of the military in Iraq!

Earlier in the Whirlpool Muck there is an offer to whore out our services for the Administration to prop up their looney positions in Guckert/Gannon fashion. But, the offer was made without any consideration that we'd have to work that hard. The deal's off.

Give Scotty a raise. If he can come anywhere close to a silk purse out of this sow's ear, he deserves it.

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