Tuesday, February 07, 2006

CIA Leak Probe --- want to make any bets?

According to ABC News, CIA Top-Spy, Porter Goss has launched an

internal investigation to find leaks.

We're tinkering with the opening of a betting line on how far that "internal investigation" will go. Any takers for "inside the White House"? We know the CIA story-line suggests it's because of the disclosure of details regarding the "CIA's operation of secret prisons in Europe and its far-flung flights of suspected terrorists to foreign prisons".

But, we think it would be quite interesting if the
CIA would continue the investigation of the Valerie Plame leak. Scooter's in hot water. We wonder if the stink is still on Turd Blossom.

We have to think the Administration is forcing this issue because of those other traitors to America: those heartless souls that brought this corrupt Administration's illegal wiretapping of Americans to light.

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