Get Ready for Senator Coleman!

Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid stated unequivocably that Norm Coleman will never ever serve [again] in the Senate". Given his past record of saying one thing only to see a substantially different outcome ("Roland Burris will not be sworn in"... "Roland Burris is one of us"... "We will stand up to this President"... "What was it you wanted again, President Bush?"... "We will restore habeas corpus"... "Vote? I never said we'd actually vote. They can filibuster, you know?") and then either do or have another thing happen, we would suggest Al Franken not pack his bags too soon.
From Politico:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid offered the toughest language he has ever used in arguing that Norm Coleman’s career in the Senate is finished.
“Norm Coleman will never ever serve [again] in the Senate,” Reid told Politico’s Manu Raju. “He lost the election. He can stall things, but he'll never serve in the Senate.”
Al Franken was declared the winner today by the state’s Canvassing Board in the closely-contested Minnesota Senate race, defeating Sen. Norm Coleman by 225 votes. Coleman’s campaign has said it is contesting the result, preventing Franken from receiving an election certificate until all the legal challenges are resolved.
Reid added that he will not be trying to seat Franken in the Senate on Tuesday. When asked if Franken would be sworn in tomorrow, Reid said: "No."
In his victory statement today, Franken said he was “ready to go to Washington and get to work just as soon as possible.” But a Franken campaign spokesman said he has not yet made plans to travel to Washington.
Senate Republican leadership has threatened to filibuster any attempt to seat Franken before his victory is officially certified.
Labels: Democrats, Harry Reid

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