Democratic Congress Slogs for Corporate America Again!
When the going gets tough... it seems the Democrats in the Senate get going.American Credit card companies are taking consumers for a ride. They are slashing limits; skyrocketing rates; adding fees; anything for a buck and to make their bottom-line look a bit better for stock holders.

Twenty-one Democratic Senators joined the Republicans in protecting the credit card companies gouging practices.
Those joining the nay-sayers include our own Democratic Senators: Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell. Sadly, these two have become a vote Corporate America can count on.
Labels: Bernie Sanders, Corporate America, Credit Card, Democrats, Maria Cantwell, Patty Murray, Senate

Sorry, but I'm not surprised in the least. The Dems feed at the same trough as the GOP. They don't want to slow down the hay wagon.
Having political whores from other states is one thing. But, I've broken bread with Cantwell and Murray and I expect more... lamely, I expect more.
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